Tavipec capsules

help for acute bronchitis, colds and coughs

Packshot Tavipec

The benefits of Tavipec at a glance

  • Clears the airways and starts natural self-cleaning
  • Fast onset of action
  • Combination with antibiotics possible
  • Herbal medicine
  • Free from lactose, fructose, gluten
  • Over the counter
  • from 12 years on up

Made in Austria

Acute bronchitis, sinusitis and coughs are counted among the most common diseases. What often starts with an ordinary cold can quickly progress into an acute or even chronic inflammation of the upper and lower airways.
Tavipec targets the site of inflammation and intervenes in the healing process on several levels. The self-cleaning of the airways is restarted and the airways are cleared.

When do you use Tavipec and how does Tavipec work?

Tavipec is a herbal medicine for the treatment of the symptoms of acute bronchitis and for the supportive treatment of rhinosinusitis or cough associated with the common cold in adults and adolescents aged 12 and over.

Like an inhalation from the inside, Tavipec

  • Dissolves mucus
  • Has an expectorant effect
  • Acts anti-inflammatory
  • Acts antimicrobial

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Active ingredient

1 capsule contains 0.15 g spike lavender oil, the essential oil of spike lavender.

Essential oils such as spike lavender oil

  • Shorten the course of the disease
  • Make the symptoms subside more quickly


Take 2 capsules 3 times a day without chewing ½ hour before meals.

You can download the following information:

Brand new clinical trial confirms the strong evidence of Tavipec in acute bronchitis sinusitis

For further information on safe use, precautions, interactions and undesirable effects please refer to the instructions for use or to a medical doctor or a pharmacist.The product information is referring to the current Austrian approval.


  1. Riechelmann, H. & Stuppner, H. (2015). Sonderdruck Intermedical Report aus Medical Tribune, 47 (43). 11.
  2. Hager, H., Bruchhausen (Hrsg.). (2006). Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. Springer.

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